Hawaiian Pikake Flower: Meaning, Uses, Beauty And Fragrance.

The Hawaiian Pikake flower, known for its delicate beauty and intoxicating fragrance, holds a special place in Hawaiian culture. This exquisite flower, a type of jasmine, is not only admired for its aesthetic appeal but also revered for its cultural significance. In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of the Pikake flower, its history, uses, and how to care for it.

pikake flower

What is The Hawaiian Pikake Flower?

Pikake (Jasminum sambac) is a species of jasmine native to Southeast Asia, but it has become deeply ingrained in Hawaiian culture. The name “Pikake” is derived from the Hawaiian word for peacock, which is one of Princess Kaiulani’s favorite birds. She adored the flower and named it after the beautiful bird.


The Pikake flower is small, usually white, and blooms in clusters. Each flower has several petals that create a star-like shape. The blossoms are delicate and can range from pure white to a creamy hue. The foliage of the Pikake plant is dark green, providing a stunning contrast to the pristine flowers.


The scent of Pikake is one of its most cherished features. It has a sweet, heady fragrance that is both relaxing and enchanting. This powerful aroma has made Pikake a popular choice for perfumes and essential oils.

Historical and Cultural Significance

The Pikake flower holds a significant place in Hawaiian traditions. It is often used in making leis, which are traditional Hawaiian garlands. Leis made from Pikake are considered especially precious and are often worn during special occasions such as weddings, graduations, and cultural celebrations.

Royal Connection

Princess Kaiulani, a beloved Hawaiian royal, had a deep affection for the Pikake flower. Her fondness for this blossom elevated its status in Hawaiian society. Today, the Pikake flower is a symbol of love, purity, and grace in Hawaiian culture.

Traditional Uses

In addition to leis, the Pikake flower is used in various traditional practices. It is often included in offerings during religious ceremonies. The flower’s essential oil is also used in aromatherapy to promote relaxation and reduce stress.

pikake flower

How to Grow Pikake

Growing Pikake can be a rewarding experience for any gardener. Here are some tips to help you cultivate this beautiful plant.


Pikake thrives in tropical and subtropical climates. It prefers warm temperatures and plenty of sunlight. If you live in a cooler climate, you can grow Pikake indoors or in a greenhouse.


The Pikake plant prefers well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. A slightly acidic to neutral pH level is ideal. You can improve soil drainage by adding sand or perlite.


Proper watering is crucial for Pikake. The plant likes to be kept moist but not waterlogged. Water it regularly, but make sure the soil has good drainage to prevent root rot. During dry periods, increase the frequency of watering.


Fertilize Pikake every two to four weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). Use a balanced fertilizer to promote healthy growth and abundant blooms. Reduce fertilizing in the fall and winter when the plant’s growth slows down.


Pruning is essential to maintain the shape and health of the Pikake plant. Trim back the stems after the flowering season to encourage new growth. Remove any dead or diseased branches to keep the plant healthy.

pikake flower

Common Pests and Diseases

Like any plant, Pikake can be affected by pests and diseases. Here are some common issues and how to address them.


  • Aphids: These small insects can suck the sap from the plant, causing leaves to yellow and wilt. Control aphids by spraying the plant with water or using insecticidal soap.
  • Spider Mites: These tiny pests can cause webbing and discoloration of leaves. Increase humidity and use miticides if necessary.
  • Mealybugs: These pests appear as white, cottony masses on the plant. Remove them by hand or use neem oil.


  • Root Rot: Caused by overwatering, root rot can be fatal to Pikake. Ensure the soil drains well and avoid excessive watering.
  • Powdery Mildew: This fungal disease appears as a white powder on leaves. Improve air circulation and apply fungicides if needed.

Uses of Pikake Flower

The Pikake flower is versatile and used in various ways beyond leis and aromatherapy.


Pikake’s enchanting fragrance makes it a popular choice in the perfume industry. Its scent is often used in high-end perfumes and body sprays.


In some cultures, Pikake flowers are used to flavor teas. The blossoms are dried and added to tea blends to impart a sweet, floral aroma.

Skin Care

Pikake essential oil is used in skincare products for its soothing properties. It can help reduce inflammation and hydrate the skin.

Symbolism of Pikake Flower

The Pikake flower carries deep symbolic meanings in Hawaiian culture and beyond.

Love and Romance

The Pikake flower is often associated with love and romance. It is commonly used in wedding ceremonies and anniversaries as a symbol of eternal love and commitment.

Purity and Innocence

The white blossoms of the Pikake represent purity and innocence. They are often used in religious ceremonies and spiritual practices.

Grace and Elegance

With its delicate petals and enchanting fragrance, the Pikake flower symbolizes grace and elegance. It is a favorite in floral arrangements and decorations.

lei pikake plant



The Hawaiian Pikake flower is more than just a beautiful blossom. It is a symbol of love, tradition, and beauty. Whether you are growing it in your garden, wearing it in a lei, or enjoying its fragrance in a perfume, the Pikake flower brings a touch of Hawaiian magic into your life. With proper care and appreciation, this exquisite flower can continue to enchant and inspire for generations to come.

By understanding its cultural significance, growing requirements, and various uses, you can fully appreciate the allure of the Pikake flower. Embrace this symbol of Hawaii and let it bring a sense of peace and beauty into your world.


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